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Is PRP treatment a good option for your receding hairline?

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Receding hairline is a common concern that not only men but also many women face. This is a condition where the hairline recedes and exposes the forehead. This problem is especially evident in the younger generation, where men and women are more conscious about their looks. 

However, this does not mean that the elder generation does not have to deal with disappearing hairlines. More and more people these days, young or old, are using various methods to deal with the problem of receding hair. 

One such method is PRP treatment for receding hairline, which is gaining popularity in recent times. We will take a closer look at its benefits and uses in this article. hair care doctor near me

First, let’s look at the factors that cause your hair to fall out

What causes hair loss?

Also known as “male pattern baldness” or “female pattern baldness,” receding hairline is usually caused by stress, genetics, hormonal changes, nutrition, and many other factors such as alopecia, anemia, or thyroid problems. 

It can also be caused by certain hairstyles in which the hair on the forehead is continuously pulled back for long periods. Also, it can be due to excessive heat from constant exposure to sunlight or chemicals from frequent use of hair styling products. hair care doctor near me

Let’s understand the treatment to solve the problem of hair fall.

What is PRP for receding hairline?

PRP stands for ‘Platelet Rich Plasma’. It is a naturally derived protein solution that comes from the patient’s blood. It is therefore considered safe and effective because your body will not reject the plasma as a foreign substance. 

After all, it is derived from your blood. PRP is rich in proteins and platelets that help promote the healing process. PRP has been used for many years in various treatments such as hair loss, hair growth, skin regeneration, and acne treatment. 

It is a minimally invasive and non-surgical treatment used to promote hair growth and treat baldness. hair care doctor near me

How does PRP treatment for hair loss work?

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma treatment involves injections of a solution drawn from your blood. Blood is drawn from the patient, and spun in a centrifuge, and the supernatant containing the extracted plasma is used as an injectable solution. 

PRP is a solution that contains large amounts of platelets, growth factors, and other essential proteins. When this solution is inserted, it stimulates the hair follicles. This increases hair production and results in strong hair growth that is resistant to hair loss and breakage. 

PRP is then applied to the racing area of the hair. It increases hair growth and decreases hair loss. It is most active against androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness) and other forms of hair loss. hair care doctor near me

Benefits of PRP treatment for receding hairline

PRP treatment for hair loss has many benefits. Some of them are discussed below:

– PRP is a non-surgical and inexpensive treatment. It can be done in a doctor’s office and does not require any anesthesia. You can plan a detailed consultation with an experienced dermatologist at Radiance Speciality Skin Clinic today.
– PRP is harmless and extremely effective in treating hair loss. hair care doctor near me
– It is also effective in treating other skin diseases like acne, melasma, psoriasis, and vitiligo. When used on the skin, PRP is also known as the ‘vampire facial’.
– PRP can be used by both men and women. hair care doctor near me
– PRP increases blood supply to the scalp. This provides better nutrients to the hair follicles and other cells on the scalp. Because of this, the hair becomes thicker and stronger.
– PRP can be joined with other hair loss treatments such as minoxidil and finasteride. hair care doctor near me
If you would like to consult a doctor at Radiance Speciality Skin Clinic, feel free to contact us today and let us know how we can help you with your conditions – be it skin or hair-related. We aim to provide complete health and wellness using advanced technology and the best expertise.

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